Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Perfection in choice...

This is a universe of freewill. Every action or inaction, every thought and feeling, whether it is conscious or not, is a freewill choice... and therefore everything is perfect. It is through our choices that we create our lives and it is we, and we alone, who must take reponsibility for that which we create. No one or no thing creates our lives for us and, even though we interact with others and with things, it all comes back to our choices.
Because our lives are created by our choices, based on our beliefs, our thoughts and feelings, and our consequent actions, our lives are perfect. If we believe our life is not perfect, we have the freewill to change it by making different choices. There are no victims of anything outside of ourselves. If anything, we are victims of ourselves by our choices of our human experience. In truth, no one can make us feel a certain way or cause hurt in us unless we choose to take on feelings of hurt. Nor can anyone can make us do anything do not want to do, unless we give them that power over us.
Those that plead that they are unhappy or that life is unfair are, paradoxically, happy in their unhappiness, otherwise, they would make choices that would lead to happiness. Nothing is written in stone and everything has the possibility of being changed, simply by making different choices. This includes how we feel about ourselves and everything in our lives. Truly, all things are possible. We just need to get rid of our limiting beliefs and change our perspective on our lives. In our humaness, the reflexive, egoistic thought is to blame others or that elusive "god" for our problems. However, it all comes back to us and our choices. By taking responsibility for ourselves and our lives, we can create the life that we desire...
And that, is the way it should be... perfect.

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