Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Everything and nothing matters...

Everything matters and no thing/ nothing matters and this is the paradox of life..
This is a universe of cause and effect, so everything matters.. every thought & feeling, every action & non-action creates something somewhere and whatever energy a person puts out, returns to them in kind.. "you reap what you sow". Some would label this karma, but it is a law of the universe. So, be conscious, be present in the now and be aware of your thoughts, of your feelings, of your choices... Do not let them run rampant in negativity or unkind thoughts or actions to others. Acknowledge and express your feelings and do not deny them or bury them in your heart for they will create dis-ease. From another perspective, every thing matters as all life... every person, creature, plant... and all things of creation are sacred...

Paradoxically, no thing/ nothing matters... From a spirit and soul perspective, this is the illusion and no material thing matters... All things change and no thing is permanent. All that is seen or valued on earth, is worthless in the greater reality. Instead, it is the "nothing" of spirit and soul that really matters... that part of self which is unseen, but is infinite and eternal. Love, cherish, caress, nourish and live these parts of your Self for they are the real you... ♥ ♥ ♥

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