Thursday, July 29, 2010

What is Truth ???

There are 7 billion truths on this planet... one for each of us, and no two the same. Each person's truth is created by what they are taught by others and their life experiences and these form their attitudes, opinions and beliefs of who they are and what they are all about. These beliefs are formed from the intellect and from emotional experiences and each person's perception/ interpretation of life experiences and, for the most part, these beliefs of self are not true. They are what we have come to believe we are from others in our lives... we become defined by others. We become dependent on others to show / tell us who we are or should be and we become so conditioned that we dare not step beyond the defined, "normal" boundaries of self for fear of being judged. We live in fear of being "not normal" and this fear controls our actions, our thoughts, our very lives.... We live with a public facade of who we are and, in effect, create our own mythology of self which we hold out as "me"... and this is part of our "truth"....

So..... what is truth for each of us ??? It is and, paradoxically, is not our life experiences.... Much wisdom is accumulated from our experiences which makes us more as we grow in understanding from them. However, the truth of our existence is in our heart / spirit and soul and this is where a person should live from and not from a false self/ ego. The truth of self is something that keeps getting bigger and bigger as we seek who we really are. The truth of self is realized once we reach and understand the state of pure spirit and live it, as the spark of god that we are... as god in flesh.... This is the teachings of the Masters... we are not the limited beings that we believe we are... we are great beyond our understanding. As Nelson Mandala stated, in paraphrase, " it is not our darkness that we fear, it is our light... " . The strange thing is, we actually wallow in our darkness... in our pain, our sadness, our sorrow... in our beliefs of unworthiness... our negativity... and use these emotional crutches as excuses for not doing and not being/ living all that we are. This is, usually, not a conscious choice... it is the default setting in our behavioral patterns... the automatic response. We simply do not know otherwise and accept this, our diminished being, as our truth. This is the illusion. The challenge for each of us is to examine our belief systems objectively and, in doing this, determine the greater truths within them so that we can discard the rest. In the letting go of our false images of self and in healing our emotional scars, we become the clear self... the child again... with the spontaneous innocence of the free spirit. We become the being that trusts in the natural order of life / all and creates a life of love, joy and abundance from the simple purity of higher self. What a wonder full truth to aspire to...... : )

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