I do not have any one teacher on my path... a guru that I follow and look to for spiritual guidance. Instead, I have many teachers on my path. They are every one, every creature, every thing, and every no thing as, from my perspective, they all have something to teach me... to show me a mirror of my self to reflect upon and, hopefully, to gain some further insights and wisdom. My teachers are everywhere, and my challenge is to be aware of what is around me as well as what is going on inside of me and link the two together. As Hermes Trismegistus states as a great truth: " As above, so below. As within, so without. As the soul, the universe. ". The outside is a mirror of the inside of a person, all ways, and therefore, this perspective and understanding is a great tool in spiritually evolving. Teachers abound... in the slums and ghettos, in schools, in the workplace, on the streets... simply every where, and the key is to be aware of them all or, at least, as many as I can consciously absorb .
I have the view that there are millions upon millions of teachers of love and compassion on earth. They are the ones who push my buttons or are the ones who give me reasons to fear or judge by forming an attitude or opinion on them. They show what is going on inside of me, providing me with opportunities to heal and come to love and accept my self. They reflect to me that which I judge, that I may learn to accept them, and myself, unconditionally, with love and compassion. I honor them on their paths, for they are my great teachers.
In my mind, in a more formal sense of teaching, there is a great difference between teachers and those I would describe as "preachers". A teacher is always seeking truth, wanting to expand his/ her knowledge and is accepting of differences of observation and opinion. Therefore, the mind is open, not closed and, because there is no vested interest, the opportunity for discussion and questioning is available. A classic teacher of old is Socrates who, in essence, taught his students to think for themselves... prodding them... exposing their limited concepts to them and showing them how to utilize the dialectic approach to greater truth... thesis, antithesis and synthesis.. and the world became that much wiser for it.
A "preacher", in my definition, is trying to convince others of HIS/ HER knowledge and wisdom... convince others that he/ she is right about some aspect of observation or belief and that approach is, inherently, self-righteous and ego driven. It should be acknowledged that, in this instance, the "preacher" IS actually teaching by exposing himself as a wonder full example of pride, arrogance, self -aggrandizement and more... those negative aspects of self. I just observe and be aware... I do not pass judgment, but look within my self to see what is going on within me, since it all comes back to me..... ♥ ♥